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HopeSo is a fearful and panicky Lurnster who uses his fear to teach kids how to overcome business obstacles

Business: HopeSo's Creature Shop

HopeSo is a fearful and panicky Lurnster who uses his fear as a tool to overcome obstacles and build his costume making business, HopeSo's Creature Shop. Although HopeSo is fearful of almost everything, he teaches kids to break fear down into smaller pieces and to not move on impulse and still be successful in business.

HopeSo's personality is characterized by the following traits:

  • Fearfulness: HopeSo is afraid of almost everything, from spiders to heights to public speaking and even the dark. However, he does not let his fear control him. He uses it as a motivator to push himself to achieve his goals.

  • Resilience: HopeSo is incredibly resilient. He has faced many challenges in his life, but he has always managed to overcome them. He is a role model for kids who are struggling with their own fears.

  • Resourcefulness: HopeSo is very resourceful. He is always able to find creative ways to overcome his fears and achieve his goals. He is also a great mentor for kids who are starting their own businesses.

Here are some specific examples of how HopeSo teaches kids to break fear down into smaller pieces and to not move on impulse:

  • Breaking fear down into smaller pieces: HopeSo teaches kids that they can overcome their fears by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, if a child is afraid of the dark, HopeSo might start by explaining to them that spooky monsters are not real. He may also show them that his room is safe by turning on the lights and looking under the bed and encouraging them to do the same. If the child is afraid of the dark because they are afraid of the unknown, HopeSo may talk about his fears of the dark and encourage them to feel more comfortable by leaving a nightlight on in their room or by talking to an adult.

  • Not moving on impulse: HopeSo teaches kids that it is important to think things through before they act. He tells them that making impulsive decisions can lead to problems. For example, if a child is thinking about starting a business, HopeSo would tell them to do their research and develop a business plan before they launch their business.

HopeSo is a positive and inspiring figure for kids. He teaches them important life lessons about overcoming fear, resilience, and resourcefulness. He is a role model for kids who are struggling with their own fears and he shows them that it is possible to achieve their goals through it all.

See HopeSo's latest business ventures 

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